Mission: Energy Sources
In this mission students evaluate alternative or upgraded energy sources for a city that currently has an old coal-fired power plant.
With Learning Blade you can easily integrate STEM, CS, and CTE concepts into a child’s education. Appropriate for grades 5-9, Learning Blade provides Energy Sources and 12 additional missions that contextualize learning and engage all students, including underrepresented and special populations, while reinforcing academic standards. Each of our lessons and resources is indexed so you can see what state standards are being met.
Exploring careers and technologies lessons in the specific contexts of science, math, English and social studies, Learning Blade provides the perfect supplemental materials to integrate STEM, CS, and CTE into core courses or be used as a stand alone program (implemented before school, after school, through the counselors office, and more).
Careers and Technologies Explored
Career Lessons
- A Day in the Life of an Economist (English)
- Economic Impacts of Global Warming (Science)
- *The Great Energy Debate (Social Studies)
- To Build or Not Build (Math)
- *Economists Affect the bottom Line (Video)
Environmental Engineer
- *A Day in the Life of an Environmental Engineer (English)
- Can the Color of Your House Reduce Your Energy Bill? (Science)
- Electrical Energy Cost Calculator (Math)
- History of Coal Fired Power Plants (Social Studies)
- *Environmental Engineers Keep Our World Clean and Healthy (Video)
Environmental Protection Specialist
- *Fuels – Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas (Science)
- How to Become an Environmental Protection Specialist (English)
- Keeping It Clean (Math)
- *Renewable Energy vs. Fossil Fuels (Social Studies)
- *Environmental Protection Specialist Give Good Stewardship (Video)
Nuclear Engineer
- Benefits and Uses of Nuclear Power (English)
- *How a Nuclear Power Plant Works (Science)
- The Cost of Nuclear Power (Math)
- Top Nuclear Power Disasters (Social Studies)
- *Nuclear Engineers Provide the Power (Video)
Power Engineer
- History of Oil Exploration (Social Studies)
- Is Renewable Energy the Answer? (English)
- *Oil and Gas Exploration (Math)
- What is Power and Energy? (Science)
- *Power Engineers Get Energy (Video)
*This lesson is in the Express version of this mission.
Technology Lessons
Energy Conservation
- Calculate Your Carbon Footprint (Math)
- Great Inventors (Social Studies)
- *Saving Energy at Home (Science)
- What is Clean Energy? (English)
Emission Controls
- Emission Releases (Math)
- *Hazardous Air Pollutants (Social Studies)
- The Science Behind Emissions (Science)
- What are Emissions? (English)
Environmental Protection Agency
- *Climate Change (Science)
- What is the Energy Star Program? (English)
- How Clean is the Energy You Use? (Math)
- What is the EPA? (Social Studies)
Renewable Energy
- Geothermal Heating and Cooling (Science)
- Hydroelectric Power (Social Studies)
- *Calculations for Solar Energy Systems (Math)
- Wind Energy (English)
The Power Grid
- Blackout (Social Studies)
- How Much Power Do You Need? (Math)
- The Power Grid (Science)
- *The Smart Grid (English)
*This lesson is in the Express version of this mission.