Personal Psychology II: Living in a Complex World
Why do you sometimes remember complex things but forget all of a sudden where you left your shoes? Why is your personality similar or different from your siblings? Why do some things motivate you more than others? Discover how you learn and remember, the impact of stress on your emotions and mental health, and what influences your personality and emotions. Basically, let’s explore what makes you ‘you’!
Units at a Glance
Unit 1: The Love of Learning
In this unit, we will examine the process of learning. We will think about what learning is and how it differs from natural knowledge. We will also consider several different theories of learning, including classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and social learning such as modeling and vicarious conditioning. Finally, we will examine one technique that can help you learn written material better.
What will you learn in this unit?
- Understand what learning is and how it differs from instinct and reflex
- Examine the theory of classical conditioning
- Investigate operant conditioning and its real world applications
- Discuss social learning, including modeling and vicarious conditioning
- Learn the PQ4R technique
Unit 2: Memory
In this unit, we will discuss what memory is and what happens as we commit something to memory and recall it. We will discuss different types of memory, including sensory registers, short-term memory, and long-term memory, including factors that enhance and hinder memory at each level. We will also discuss common memory failures and disorders. Finally, we will discuss briefly how accurate our memories are and factors that influence this accuracy.
What will you learn in this unit?
- Understand the different types of memory
- Discuss how memories are formed, stored, and recalled
- Examine the various types of information that are stored in memory
- Investigate common memory failures and disorders
- Discuss the accuracy of memory
Unit 3: Thinking & Language
In this unit, we will discuss thought and language. In doing so, we will look at what thinking is and how we categorize objects and situations in our minds. We will also examine decision making, problem solving, and reasoning, including the ways that we go about these mental processes and some of the problems that we may encounter as we do so. Finally, we will investigate the connections between thinking and language and examine the various elements of language.
What will you learn in this unit?
- Examine what thinking is and how we categorize situations and objects in our minds
- Investigate how we problem solve and some obstacles that we may encounter in doing so
- Discuss inductive and deductive reasoning, including how they differ from each other
- Look at the elements of language and meaning
- Understand more about the relationship between thinking and language
Unit 4: The Secret of Intelligence
In this unit, we will examine the topic of intelligence from a psychological standpoint, including what intelligence is and why it is so difficult to place a precise definition on intelligence. We will investigate several different ways that psychologists measure intelligence and the pros and cons of this kind of testing. We will also look at several different approaches to understanding intelligence. Finally, we’ll examine the debates and research over the role of genetics, heredity, and environment in the development of intelligence.
What will you learn in this unit?
- Learn what intelligence is and why defining this human aspect is difficult
- Examine different tests that are used to measure intelligence
- Discuss how psychologists have approached the understanding of intelligence
- Investigate the possibility of multiple intelligences
- Understand the effects of heredity and environment on the development of intelligence
Unit 5: Motivation & Emotion
In this unit, we will examine the related areas of motivation and emotion. We’ll discuss what motivation is and how different perspectives have thought about motivation. This will include perspectives on motivation such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and self-determination theory. We will also discuss what emotions are and the three components that make up emotions. In doing so, we’ll examine several theories which try to explain how emotions develop and relate to physiological functions.
What will you learn in this unit?
- Learn what motivation is and how primary and secondary needs affect motivation
- Examine the five different perspectives which seek to explain motivation
- Discuss how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation affect our behaviors
- Understand what emotions and moods are, including the three components of emotions
- Investigate the physical and psychological relationship that comprises emotion
Unit 6: Stress and The Art of Health
In this unit, we will explore the areas of health and stress. In doing so, you will learn more about the history of health psychology and how the connection between mind and body was thought of through history. We will also discuss what stress is, as well as the common stressors that individuals typically face in their lives. Finally, we will examine various coping mechanisms that individuals use to manage stress and its effects on our minds and bodies.
What will you learn in this unit?
- Learn more about the history of health psychology
- Examine some common causes of stress and their effects on individuals
- Discuss the general adaptation syndrome and the effect that this has
- Investigate the four types of conflicts that individuals experience
- Explore ways of coping with and managing stress
Unit 7: Personality & Individuality
In this unit, we will discuss the topic of personality and why individuals have different personality traits. Psychologists have been very interested in how personality develops, the different traits that people have, and whether personality remains consistent throughout our lives. They have used various approaches and theories to examine these issues. We will examine five of these approaches and how they explain aspects of personality. The approaches that we will discuss are the psychoanalytic, cognitive-social, trait, humanistic, and sociocultural theories.
What will you learn in this unit?
- Learn what personality is
- Discuss Freud’s three models of personality
- Investigate how cognition and thought affect personality
- Understand what personality traits and types are and how psychologists have used these concepts to study personality consistency
- Examine the person-centered approach and how other people help shape personality
Unit 8: Exploring Abnormal Psychology
In this unit, we will discuss abnormal psychology. In doing so, we’ll examine what psychopathology is and how abnormal behavior differs from normal behavior. We will also look at how abnormal behavior is classified and examine various types of psychological disorders, including anxiety, mood, personality, somatoform, and psychotic disorders
What will you learn in this unit?
- Understand what abnormal psychology is and how it differs from normal psychology
- Examine the criteria used to identify abnormal psychology and mental disorders
- Recognize the two major classification systems
- Discuss anxiety, mood, personality, and somatoform disorders
- Learn about psychotic disorders and how they differ from other psychological disorders
Required Materials
- Word processing software