Distinctive courses designed to engage students
Elective Curriculum Library
Provide students access to curriculum that inspires
The Electives Library offers schools unique and specialized content for high school students to access an enriching, well-rounded curriculum. Digital courses can serve as a textbook replacement or to supplement the classroom curriculum.
The elective library contains 60 courses, including some of our most popular courses:
Personal Finance
American Sign Language
Forensic Science
Health & Fitness
At eDynamic Learning, all of our courses are developed in-house by teachers and subject matter experts offering one consistent and simplistic design and interface. This allows teachers, staff, and students to focus on what’s most important: teaching and learning.
Each course is designed and written with engaging curriculum narratives that employs backwards design methodology to support best practices on how today’s students learn. Each lesson is chunked into bite-sized pieces of text with the integration of visuals to keep students engaged.
Teachers can also customize course units and lessons allowing them the flexibility to personalize instruction.
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“Having a system that is easy to work with and can adapt to the specific needs of a class is invaluable. I work with a number of students who have learning disabilities and special needs …We worked on a plan to modify assignments and oriented observers that could assist the students. This has resulted in faster evaluation of work submitted and better communication between the instructor, observers, and students. The success rate of the students has increased significantly since this collaboration.”
Regina Smart, Agriscience Teacher
Westlake High School and Lake Charles Boston Academy
“My students love all of the eDynamic Learning elective courses that I teach. I have had many students in each elective say that they either have been exposed to a new career path that they are interested in or that the course actually helped them get into college. Built in features such as the podcasts are also invaluable. Just four weeks ago, I had a student get a concussion. He could not read the computer screen, BUT he could listen to the lesson podcasts. This is a HUGE plus to be able to keep students up and working when normally they would be struggling to catch up 3 weeks later.”
JoAnna Nehring, Secondary Science Teacher
“eDynamic Learning provides strong foundational content and a variety of resources to guide instruction. To address the diverse strengths, abilities, and challenges of all students, eDynamic Learning makes it easy to differentiate instruction, incorporate enrichment activities and offer multiple options for students to showcase their learning.”
Nancy A. Ortner, MSEd, TOSA Career Technical Education
Visions In Education
Learn More about eDynamic Learning
eDynamic Learning is the largest publisher of career and technical education (CTE) and elective courses in North America offering over 250 courses for middle and high schools. Student’s consistently rank our courses 4 out of 5 stars.