Mission: Flu Outbreak
In this mission students will learn how health and IT professionals use data, GIS, and social media analysis to predict flu outbreak.
With Learning Blade you can easily integrate STEM, CS, and CTE concepts into a child’s education. Appropriate for grades 5-9, Learning Blade provides Flu Outbreak and 12 additional missions that contextualize learning and engage all students, including underrepresented and special populations, while reinforcing academic standards. Each of our lessons and resources is indexed so you can see what state standards are being met.
Exploring careers and technologies lessons in the specific contexts of science, math, English and social studies, Learning Blade provides the perfect supplemental materials to integrate STEM, CS, and CTE into core courses or be used as a stand alone program (implemented before school, after school, through the counselors office, and more).
Careers and Technologies Explored
Career Lessons
- Evolution of an Outbreak (English)
- Germs and Their Interactions (Science)
- Learning to Count – The History of Math (Math)
- *What is Cultural Anthropologist? (Social Studies)
- *Anthropologists Provide Insight into Our Humanity (Video)
Computer Programmer
- Bits and Bytes (Science)
- A Day in the Life of a Computer Programmer (English)
- *Programming Logic (Math)
- The Information Age (Social Studies)
- *Computer Programmers – Writing the Future (Video)
Database Administrator
- *A Day in the Lide of a Database Administrator (English)
- Adding It Up With a Program (Math)
- Computer Languages (Social Studies)
- Small Bytes – How Does a CD Work? (Science)
- *Database Administrators Keep track of Critical Information (Video)
- History of Health Records (Social Studies)
- How Does the Flu Spread? (Math)
- Preventative Methods and Treatments of the Flu (Science)
- *What is an Epidemiologist? (English)
- *Epidemiologist Make the World Safer (Video)
- A Day in the Life of a Statistician (English)
- *Mean, Median, and Mode (Math)
- What is Statistical modeling? (Science)
- *Stimulating Work as Data Scientists (Video)
*This lesson is in the Express version of this mission.
Technology Lessons
Big Data
- *Big Data Technology (Science)
- Examining Data – Exponentially Expanding Exabytes (Math)
- They are Watching – How Social media Gathers Data (Social Studies)
- What is Big Data? (English)
Computer Data
- Charles Baddage: The Father of Computing (English)
- *Chart It Up – The Best Way to Display Data (Math)
- The Computer Age (Social Studies)
- What is a CPU? (Science)
GIS – Geographic Information Systems
- The Geographic Approach (Science)
- *An Overview of Geographic Information Systems (Social Studies)
- Spatial Math (Math)
- Tracking Yourself with GPS (English)
Social Media
- Changing the Way We Communicate (English)
- Extra! Extra! Read All About It (Social Studies)
- *Predicting the Future with Social Media (Math)
- Social Media Networks (Science)
- Calculating the Appropriate Dose (Math)
- *How to Create a Vaccine (Science)
- The History of Polio (Social Studies)
- What is a Vaccine? (Science)
*This lesson is in the Express version of this mission.